ACU - Association of Commonwealth Universities
ACU stands for Association of Commonwealth Universities
Here you will find, what does ACU stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Association of Commonwealth Universities? Association of Commonwealth Universities can be abbreviated as ACU What does ACU stand for? ACU stands for Association of Commonwealth Universities. What does Association of Commonwealth Universities mean? Association of commonwealth universities is the oldest and one of the wide spread international inter- university. It is dedicated to building a better world through higher education. It is the oldest international association of universities in the world. It is governed by its member institutions through an elected Council. It is convening opportunities for conversation. It is in the industry of: Membership Organizations, Organizations.
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Alternative definitions of ACU
- Abilene Christian University
- Auto Cycle Union
- Asian Currency Unit
- Acme United Corporation
- Area Command Unit
- Credit Union
- Acupuncture
View 85 other definitions of ACU on the main acronym page
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